Friday, April 29, 2005

hahaha i have just read the funniest post ever... read about it on Asad ur Rehmans blog HERE

and as he so aptly put it... just before going into the caves at khanpur, "Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking down, it seemed like a bad idea" hahahahaha i SO know that feeling...

man.. this is such a BAD idea.

(which is why its so much fun to DO it :P)

haha said it better then anyone asad :P

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Announcing the opening of my new photoblog... visit it here.
oh my God.

it was aptly said..."it is one thing to listen to a musician and wonder how they did it, its a complete different sensation when you watch someone play with your mouth open in disbelief"...

i have just listen/watched Trace Bundy - one of the most amazing acoustic guitarists iv ever seen. EveR. People like this make me wanna cry and i wonder why i ever picked up the guitar because there just SO DAMN GOOD - but then i DO pick up my guitar and push myself harder then ever.. so i gues its worth it.

Download his videos from his website here
the albums name is deuling ninjas... now THATS a cool name.

Theres a song where the guy uses FIVE.. read that again FIVE capos of varying lengths all AT THE SAME TIME... and then in the middle of the song proceeds to remove them one by one. *mouth open drooling oh my god how did he even COME UP with that let alone pull it off*

If your up on the hostel lan (and if you dont know what i mean your probably not) pull the videos off my pc... \\kaash
the folders name is "so you think you can play-look at this"

This is a MUST SEE - for anyone who likes music especially live performance

...fade away...

IMG_4136, originally uploaded by salmansqadeer.

One of my favorite pictures... not one of my best... just one of my favorites...


IMG_4057, originally uploaded by salmansqadeer.

hmm i really like the way this pi c turned out only problem i have is that it should have been STRAIGHT and CENTERED... i could crop it and fix it but im too lazy and would prefer to go back and take it properly.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by salmansqadeer.

hmm i really like the way this pi c turned out only problem i have is that it should have been STRAIGHT... i could crop it and fix it but im too lazy and would prefer to go back and take it properly.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

its 5:35 am,
another night,
where i will fall asleep,
after the sun,
has allready decided to rise.

Spent most of the night drawing.
Drew more crap then good -
it felt good anyways.

Now my heads aching,
iv been listening to matchbox 20
all night long,
they are probably
one of the least appreciated absolutely amazing bands i have heard in a long time,
and their lyrics,
say more,
then you first think,
so much more,
either that,
or im just sleepy,
and reading more,
then is really there.

The sun is up,
but i think iv told you that allready,
my head is killing me,
i think i didnt tell you that bit though.

I have been in an absolutely amazing mood,
all day,
all night,
and now,
just before i am about to close my eyes,
and let my mind take me to another world,
my mood,
is suddenly,
just a little sad,
and more then a little upset.

Any why?
i couldnt tell you if you asked,
and i ask myself,
all the time.

was a night,
that wasnt supposed to end,
with sad thoughts,
of times past,
of people lost,
of a future seen,
of a life that is,
pushing me,
in a direction,
i never wanted to go.

And every day,
takes me closer,
to the inevitable destiny,
that i just dont want to reach,
and yet,
i dont want to,
stay in limbo,

Or maybe,
im just tired,
and im reading too much,
into things...

Monday, April 18, 2005


if you can see the new added picture of me on the right side bar then please drop a msg and tell me if you can (or cant) iv been trying to fix the bloody problem of the bloody picture not showing show months now ( in the beginning i didnt even realise it wasnt working cause it was displaying fine on my pc) but turns out that photobucket was acting up on me and was maintained sessions and cookies hence the picture would show cause its in my cache but not from any other pc - changed my provider and now working with flickr

Tell me if you can see it - tell me what you think...
This song reads, like the story of my life,
its so sad,
and yet,
its kinda nice...

The Difference -- Matchbox 20

Slow dancing on the boulevard
In the quiet moments while the city’s still dark
Sleepwalking through the summer rain and the tired spaces
You could hear her name when she was warm and tender
And you held her arms around you
There was nothing but her love and affection
She was crazy for you
Now she’s part of something that you lost


And for all you know
This could be
The difference between what you need
And what you wanna be
Yeah, what you wanna be

Night swimming in her diamond dress
Making small circles move across the surface
Stand watching from the steady shore
Feeling wide open and waiting for
Something warm and tender
Now she’s moving further from you
There was nothing that could make it easy on you
Every step you take reminds you that she’s walking wrong


Yeah, for all you know
This could be
The difference between what you need
And what you want

Every word you never said
Echoes down your empty hallway
And everything that was your world
Just came down

Day breaking on the boulevard
Feel the sun warming up your second hand heart
Light swimming right across your face
And you think maybe someday, yeah
Maybe someday


For all you know
Yeah, this could be
The difference between what you need
And what you want

Yeah, for all you know
For all you know
Yeah, for all that you know
This is what you wanna be
Girl, what you wanna be

Saturday, April 16, 2005


haha everyone check out the Flickr Daily Zeitgeist in the right hand toolbar... click on any of the pictures to check them out. If anyone sees a picture of them that they dont really want open for the general public just drop me a line and the picture will be removed (but please please please pretty please dont do that cause i LIKE those pictures :(

hahaha enjoy ;)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

return 0 my foot!!... more like return 1...
wadda ya mean your gonna keep up the guise of being anonymous because its more entertaining??


hmm okay 99% of the people i know were just crossed off of my list cause NONE of them know even enough rudimentary CS knowledge to have written (or to have understood) that comment.

hmm there are only very certain situations where i enjoy being the entertainment... like when im playing my guitar on stage.. then its okay to be the entertainment.. but COME ONnnn hahaha...

this is just funny... im being dangled from the edge of a hook.

enterprise isnt a program - enterprise is one of my jiggars... a fellow blogger... (though his blog will remain anonymous due to personal request)... and a fellow i truly and dearly respect... the reason we call him enterprise is cause
a) hes a startrek freak
b) thats the name of his computer... and peoples computer handles are regularly applied to the people themselves when you dont know them well enough or dont know their name (i know his name now... but its always still on my tongue) sue me.. im bad at names :p

but a program you COULD use to find out who and from where people are coming from, is sitemeter (also referenced from enterprise) but im still trying to get it to work.. the people just wont mail me my bloody activation email.

my legs hurt.. just played badminton for a little over two hours... and anyone who knows me knows that im the most out of shape person there is... but getting there ;)

oh... Boibur Valley and Qurun pass is on for this years may trip - last year it was Nanga Parbat (the killer mountain) - this year Boiber is the place that i will attempt to loose all sense of self.

Boiber Valley/ Qarun Pass

Standard Intermediate - Demanding
Trekking Days 5
Distance 35km
Max Altitude 4,873m (16,243ft)

according to the LAS people :

The beautifull and rarely visited Boiber Valley with its scree slopes and grassy meadows is a challenging trek. The trek follows the Boiber river which originates from Qarun Koh (7164m). The area on both sides of the river, with its scattered artemisias, ephedras, and roses, is known as Lalazar for its beauty. Qarun Pass (4873m) offers exceptional views of Qarun Koh (7164m). Distaghil Sar (7,885m), Trivor (7,728m), and Lupgar Sar (7,200m) of the Hispar Muztagh range rise in front.

i TOTALLY am in agreement with tree-elf, when he talks about almost pot bellied women who arent willing to p0ut themselves through pain or pressure and have no concept of maintaining the "team" - not holding anyone back. Yes im out of shape - yes i will push myself to hell and back if that is what is required to keep the pace the rest of the team has maintained. Yes i can stand here and say that i trekked an intermediate trek at 38 km and 3800 m without holding anyone back. Yes i may be judging these people prematurely, yes they may prove me wrong, yes i hope they do.
I wanna loose myself this year.
In mountains, and blue blue blue sky and green green green grass... and pain that numbs the mind yet frees the soul.

now that im done ranting,
BACK to my anonymous commentor
telll mee naaaaaaaa
hahaha (actualyl dont tell me.. that would be no fun... but atleast give me a HINT :P)

dinners here... time to go

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Im in a bad mood.

The worst part of this particular bad mood,
is that im in this... 50 50 state of mind,
where im not even sure if im justified to be feeling this way.
Hell - there are bad moods that you know are justified,
and there are bad moods that you know are not but you feel them anyways.
These 50 50 bad moods - their just pissing off.
You dont know whether whats in your head is justified or not...

You dont think about these things.
I do.
And they bother me, even though they dont even cross your mind.
And their anger is justifiable to me - but you
who doesnt even think about it -
think im being a child -
should i conform, to your standards?
Or should i try to survive,
with my own?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Quotes of the day:

(Believe it or not, i found these in my OOD book, every chapter has one... nice to know CS people have a sense of humor too :P)

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
-- Paul Erdos

To iterate is human, to recurse, devine.
- anonymous

Beware of bugs in the aboce code;
I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
- Donald Knuth

Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.
- Mark Twain

When ideas fail, words come in very handy.
- Johan'n Wolfgang von Goethe

and my personal favorite:

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. Thats where we come in; we're computer professionals. We Cause Accidents."
-- Nathaniel Borenstein
i just found out from Enterprise...
that people...
this website...

(thats kinda scary)

cause no one ever leaves any comments or anything...
i automatically assume no ones reading
which isnt a problem for me
because i dont write to be read.

and now all of a sudden
it feels like someones been staring at you
for a really really long time...
and you just realised...
that they were looking...
i know i havent written anything for a while now,

tomorrow is my OOD midterm (Objcet oriented design... its more fun to say OOD... OOOOOOOOOOOODddddddddddddddddddddddddd :P).

CG assignement also due tomorrow.. iv actually ALLREADY FINISHED it which anyone who knows me is like a total WOW thing cause i HATE computer science but i actually enjoy this course. So im not complaining.

Theres a lot to write... a lot to think about and a lot to get out of me and onto this surreal cyberspace parchment.

Anonymouse commentors are like gold treasure - they leave little hints to who they are... the only thing being absolutely constant is the fact that you WANT to find out who they are.
Who are you, anonymouse commentor? *peers into the darkness*

And the one thing that always throws off the treasure hunter... you never even know if you KNOW the person or not :p


(thank you).

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I have spent the entire night... scrathing lines into my knuckles with a pair of wire cutters.

Its refreshing. Clear and unconfused.

Friday, April 01, 2005

My head is killing me, the world is spinning around and im here sitting in the bloody computer lab of all places. Everything i say is taken in the wrong context, and every feeling that comes from deap inside of me is thrown back into my face in anger. I have said a lot of things, things that many time where meant to inspire anger, things that were inspired from this deap hate and redness i have inside of me. The same redness that makes my muscles constantly tight - this energy that constantly wants to be released - and when these things are thrown back at me i welcome it - it drops me like a stone back to reality - it hits me hard and brings me back to my senses.

But when the things i say are genuine, when the things i say i really feel and really mean and i just need the other person to listen i just need the other person to understand... and THEN when i get it thrown into my face... i really dont no what to do.

I really dont know what to do...

i really dont know what to do anymore...