Monday, April 11, 2005

i know i havent written anything for a while now,

tomorrow is my OOD midterm (Objcet oriented design... its more fun to say OOD... OOOOOOOOOOOODddddddddddddddddddddddddd :P).

CG assignement also due tomorrow.. iv actually ALLREADY FINISHED it which anyone who knows me is like a total WOW thing cause i HATE computer science but i actually enjoy this course. So im not complaining.

Theres a lot to write... a lot to think about and a lot to get out of me and onto this surreal cyberspace parchment.

Anonymouse commentors are like gold treasure - they leave little hints to who they are... the only thing being absolutely constant is the fact that you WANT to find out who they are.
Who are you, anonymouse commentor? *peers into the darkness*

And the one thing that always throws off the treasure hunter... you never even know if you KNOW the person or not :p


(thank you).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if (anonymous comment= the plath one,
(1)was too lazy to hit "login and publish" so just hit anonymous..
(2)but now will keep up the mystery because its entertaining
(3)how do you see who's been visiting your blog? is enterprise a person or some tracer thing?
(4)her husband Ted Hughes (also a poet) killed himself too :)

return 0;

11:20 PM  

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