Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Im in a bad mood.

The worst part of this particular bad mood,
is that im in this... 50 50 state of mind,
where im not even sure if im justified to be feeling this way.
Hell - there are bad moods that you know are justified,
and there are bad moods that you know are not but you feel them anyways.
These 50 50 bad moods - their just pissing off.
You dont know whether whats in your head is justified or not...

You dont think about these things.
I do.
And they bother me, even though they dont even cross your mind.
And their anger is justifiable to me - but you
who doesnt even think about it -
think im being a child -
should i conform, to your standards?
Or should i try to survive,
with my own?


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