Tuesday, April 19, 2005

its 5:35 am,
another night,
where i will fall asleep,
after the sun,
has allready decided to rise.

Spent most of the night drawing.
Drew more crap then good -
it felt good anyways.

Now my heads aching,
iv been listening to matchbox 20
all night long,
they are probably
one of the least appreciated absolutely amazing bands i have heard in a long time,
and their lyrics,
say more,
then you first think,
so much more,
either that,
or im just sleepy,
and reading more,
then is really there.

The sun is up,
but i think iv told you that allready,
my head is killing me,
i think i didnt tell you that bit though.

I have been in an absolutely amazing mood,
all day,
all night,
and now,
just before i am about to close my eyes,
and let my mind take me to another world,
my mood,
is suddenly,
just a little sad,
and more then a little upset.

Any why?
i couldnt tell you if you asked,
and i ask myself,
all the time.

was a night,
that wasnt supposed to end,
with sad thoughts,
of times past,
of people lost,
of a future seen,
of a life that is,
pushing me,
in a direction,
i never wanted to go.

And every day,
takes me closer,
to the inevitable destiny,
that i just dont want to reach,
and yet,
i dont want to,
stay in limbo,

Or maybe,
im just tired,
and im reading too much,
into things...


Blogger naked feet said...

hey, found an old comment of yours in my blog :)

apparently you claim my muse has minty fresh breath? i'll take your word for it haha

and from someone who's been where it sounds like you are: keep drawing, it'll keep you sane :)

oh and you've linked to me. how sweet :D

1:02 AM  

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