Friday, February 18, 2005

Today i walked through the first spring shower of the year. Winter is officially over - my favorite season has begun.

How can you tell the difference between winter rains and spring showers? Normally its the fact that when it rains in spring by some miricle of God the sun is normally still shining - but oddly enough - this year the first spring showers happened at 10pm at night - what is the difference then?

I think it has something to do with the smell - the quality of the air - the freshness of it all. God smiling down even in the blackness of the night and with a sweep of his arm spreading a new season - a new beginning.

Did you know - spring showers make no sound? The rain is somewhere in between that of a full on downpour and sprinkling - but it makes no sound. The drops fall from miles in a manner of seconds, to end their short lived lives smattered across the street, a leaf, a forehead - completely silent as if they were invisible while being very much visible. Invisible to the ears!!!

The rains stopped now, back to reality - a 30% viva on a database project that i took absolutely no part in. My yellow mug full of hot sweet chai. An Ache in my stomach and a stinging in my eyes because my glasses still havent been fixed yet. We romantisize all we want - but at the end of the day we all go to sleep in reality. Dreams arent real. I keep telling myself that - life is not lived snuggled beneath the sheets with out eyes closed. But are the silent raindrops part of my reality or my romantisization of my reality. My Reality - not yours.

And we all, are the wolves of God.

Will you touch me tonight? Tomorrow? Forever?


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