Saturday, December 24, 2005

The weather is crazy today. Beautiful day, with the sun out after what feels like ages, and after spending almost seven hours in the lab being frustrated by multiple cameras, weird computer mood swings and being one man short - you walk out to a world that could be an alien planet if only it was on tv.

Fog so thick you can barely see five feet in front of you - an eery silence except for the sound of shuffling feet somewhere unseen in the distance. Cold, but not cold. Weather that tells you the world is a scary place and to be alone is simply not a choice. Weather that tells you yo ARE alone. Weather to walk around campus, all alone. To think, to let it seep into you. Weather to listen to music that makes you sad, music consisting of the gentle toying of piano keys... of empty thoughts and unexpressed violent rage. Of peaceful exterior hiding the devil within.

Look into my eyes, can you see what i see?


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