Monday, October 24, 2005

wow... its 10am, i normally dont wake up this early when iv just fallen asleep at 530am, but im waking up from an incredibly disturbing dream. First let me describe the scene. I was in my room at LUMS (which was single occupancy, or maybe my roomie just wasnt there) except my room at lums looked more like a room from an old haveli. Medium sized windows that opened up from the center, the wood painted green and red brick farsh. I wake up early in the morning to the noise of thousands of men yelling - the type of screams when blind rage is the cause. i look out my window to see the old city filled with mobs, attacking people - women, children - beating them to the ground. I go to the closest guard to find out that sectarian sunni vs shi'a violence has broken out all over the city of Lahore, no one except for the guards seems to be on my floor but i dont seem to notice that as anything odd. The mobs begin to stone the building... and climb the surrounding walls. The guards at the gate provide resistence at first but then step back to let them through - i can understand that, after all - this is a job to them - not a matter of life and death. Im looing out my window as all this happens, the first few men climb over, bearing oddly enough not guns in this gun laden country but knives and axes and tools used normally on the earth - a scene that reminded me somewhat of Hotel Rwanda. The first few men climb over, the next men come in waves, pouring in pushing up against each other. In moments a crowd of 20 or 30 men are inside, and as the guards step aside - they rush into LUMS - never into my building oddly enough, but disapearing into the rest of the campus to reek their havoc. I turn away from the window to find a girl in a hijab with an incredibly confident look in her eyes standing there in front of me... after this the dream morphed itself into only god knows what as dreams are aught to do - with trips to a shooting range to fire an old world war II germal pistol and a detour to hafiz center to buy someone else a cellphone while trying to get home. . .

10 am and all this has allready happened. . .


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