Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tomorrow i leave the land of sea, sand, salt and pollution to head down to Sui, the land of balochis, protocol, functions, and my father.

My time in karachi so far has been an interesting one, torn between people who created my past and those who exist with me in my present. Torn between multitudes of lives that i could live in the future and the one life i ever wanted in the past. A time spent staying awake throughout the night to watch the sun rise and sleep long enough only to wake to watch it set again. My playlist is composed of an eclectic set from nymphetamine (by cradle of filth) to joe satriani (who i hate) to GnR to velvet revolver to THE clapton and his blues.

I guess the only word to describe it is interesting, to say the least.

My best friend has lost himself in the states, but thankfully with time enough to drop a msg every now and then, i have now become a SENIOR (yes a SENIOR ladies and gentelmen) at college and it feels absolutely horrid and weird at the same time. This summer has and will be spent worrying about my masters applications and with the failure of that the possibilty of getting a JOB (i spit on the word). I will have become, for all purposes, an adult.

This sucks.

Not ONLY does this suck ladies and gentelmen, but the possibility of absolute failure while entering the profesional world lurks closer and closer, those who know me well knows why this is something that requires mention, those who dont can sod off and wonder for themselves (and while their wondering i will wonder about the individuals who read this without knowing the writer and who take such an interest).

And on a side note, you should listen to Run around by Blues travellers, in fact, here are the lyrics:

ahh im too lazy to search for them, will post them later.but just to give you a taste, heres whats playing right....NOW:

"whats your is mine,
the fishings fine,
and it doesnt have to rhyme
so wont you give me a line!"

*raging harmonica solo*

Oh... i just recieved my new Digitech DF-7 Pedal and i must say, AMAZNIG tone, CRAZY sound, i got a couple of issues with it, like it EATS through abtteries (but then , they warn you of that) and the fact that i cant change the tone with my foot so i gotta get another pedal. But all in all.. i believe a GOOD buy.

hmm i want to buy d'artiste 's new book (the third edition) but its bloody expensive and im broke - which for some reason or the other always seems to be the combination of things these days... i bought my pedal by selling off my old computer monitor and another older pedal - jeez no more spending on my guitar buss... (i know all my friends are saying ya right)
hmm.. i gotta get in touch with saad... SAAD YOU READING this we gotta get together...
hmm i love this, i have so much music on my computer that i havent heard half of it and randomly this music video of metallica playing with a ull symphony and so nice and slow (hero of the day) with him playing his guitar in the middle of the entire symphony... nice.
Hmm yesterday i drew a complete peice in a few hrs ( which is rare, im a slow worker) of a skull wearing a tophat in flames inside a picture frame - and the picture frame has caught fire from the flames in the photo... interesting. I hope i have the motivation to finish it in color on the pc when i get back.

hmm im tired now.



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