Sunday, August 08, 2004

I just painted.

It isnt an amazing painting, done in ink with brush.

But its a painting.


Looking at it, even five minutes after its done, i can allready show some parts where things are wrong. Where the perspective is wrong, or my hand wavered. But i like it.

I just painted.

Without a sketch, just a brush taken to plain paper. And its been ages since iv felt the rush of blood to my veins making my hands tremble ever so slightly, as that first brush stroke takes to paper. Just not wanting to mess up that first brush stroke - everything after that is easy. To make matters worse, it was a new sketchpad - i FINALLY got the type of sketchpad i was looking for, a big black hard bound book wiTHOUT spirals - but normal book binding. I would have hated myself for messing up the first page. But the first stroke came out fine, as did the second, and then i messed up the eyebrow a bit, but i was too far along to just trash it. And i just went with the flow, painting more and thinking less and just letting my hands work. Painting from the arm and the wrist, like i know im not supposed to but have always felt more comfortable doing. Paint with the FINGERS THE FINGERS and a smooth wrist i can just hear my teacher yelling at me.

I painted today.



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